
SeraSeal™ is an innovative hemostatic agent that supports and catalyzes the patient's own blood coagulation. It enables rapid hemostasis within 30 seconds without applying pressure, even with heavy and unpredictable bleeding during surgical procedures

Quick hemostasis without applying pressure

SeraSeal™ stops bleeding in 30 seconds without pressure and helps blood coagulation.

Efficacy in patients receiving anticoagulant therapy

SeraSeal™ is also effective in patients with anticoagulants and coagulation disorders without interrupting their treatment

Versatility and application security

SeraSeal™ can be used in various processes thanks to the option of using spray catheters and meets the highest safety standards.

The benefits of SeraSeal™

Rapid hemostasis

SeraSeal™ stops bleeding within seconds

Versatile usability

SeraSeal™ can be used in all areas, both for controlled hemorrhages and for uncontrolled bleeding

Effective in anticoagulant therapy

SeraSeal™ is also effective for patients on anticoagulant therapy and coagulation factor deficiencies

Protecting the tissue

The sensitive tissue is neither affected nor injured


When not in use, SeraSeal™ is reusable without any loss of effectiveness.

Economic benefit

SeraSeal™ shortens the duration of surgery and the inpatient stay.

This is how SeraSeal™ works

SeraSeal™ uses an advanced combination of natural and biochemical components to ensure rapid and effective hemostasis.

Diagramm der Blutgerinnungskaskade mit extrinsischen und intrinsischen Wegen, das die Wirkung von SeraSeal™ zur Förderung der Gerinnung hervorhebt

Agar to form a gelatinous barrier

Agar cross-links fibrinogen/fibrin monomers and tissue proteins, creates a gelatinous barrier over the wound and reduces blood loss, speeding up the fibrin wound.

Cross-linking using coagulation factors IIa, VIIa, IXa and Xa

These coagulation factors promote the cross-linking of agar with platelets and fibrinogen, strengthen the gelatinous barrier and ensure the formation of a stable blood clot.

Catalyst for the physiological coagulation cascade

The coagulation factors in SeraSeal™ act as catalysts in fibrin formation and support the body's physiological coagulation cascade by promoting the release of tissue thromboplastin and the formation of covalent linkages between fibrin molecules.

How to use SeraSeal™

To help you get the most out of SeraSeal™, we have developed a simple 9-step process. Follow this guide to ensure safe and effective use.

Symbol zur Anzeige des Auftauens, mit einer Schneeflocke, die sich in einen Tropfen verwandelt, gekennzeichnet durch eine rote “1”
Step 1

SeraSeal™ defrost

Remove SeraSeal™ from the freezer compartment. Thaw it in your hand for 2-3 minutes or at room temperature for 10 minutes.

Symbol für Schritt 2 mit einer Spritze, die Flüssigkeit aus einer Flasche aufzieht, gekennzeichnet durch eine orange “2”
Step 2

Prepare quantity

Pour the required amount of SeraSeal™ into a syringe. The amount depends on the area of the bleeding or the type of surgery.

Symbol für Schritt 3 mit einem Tropfen über einer geöffneten Wunde, gekennzeichnet durch eine rote “3”
Step 3

Make bleeding site visible

Make the bleeding site visible.

Symbol für Schritt 4 mit Tropfen und Sprühstrahl, die auf Wunden aufgetragen werden, gekennzeichnet durch eine orange “4”
Step 4

Apply SeraSeal™

You can use SeraSeal™ selectively or spread it over a large area by lifting the cannula.

Symbol für Schritt 5 mit einer Spritze, die in eine tiefe Wunde eingeführt und dann herausgezogen wird, gekennzeichnet durch eine rote “5”
Step 5

Treat deeper wounds

For deep wounds, insert SeraSeal™ deep into the wound and then slowly remove the cannula from the wound.

Symbol für Schritt 6 mit einer Uhr und der Beschriftung „60 SEC“, gekennzeichnet durch eine orange “6”
Step 6

Waiting without pressure

A local printing application is not necessary! Important: Don't wipe, wait a minute!

Symbol für Schritt 7 mit einer Pinzette und einem Tupfer, der vorsichtig eine Wunde abtupft, gekennzeichnet durch eine rote “7”
Step 7

Remove excess blood

After waiting one minute, gently dab or wipe off excess blood drops to see if there is still any hidden bleeding.

Symbol für Schritt 8 mit zwei Pfeilen, die einen Kreislauf bilden, gekennzeichnet durch eine orange “8”
step 8


If a second application is required, repeat steps 3 through 7.

Symbol für Schritt 9 mit einem Tropfen, der sich in eine Schneeflocke verwandelt, gekennzeichnet durch eine rote “9”
step 9

Storage by application

If not used, SeraSeal™ can be stored again at a temperature of at least -10°C without loss of effectiveness.

Product video

SeraSeal™ studies

The latest study results on SeraSeal™.
SeraSeal™-Logo in roten und orangefarbenen Buchstaben
Reduction of transfusion requirements in pediatric craniosynostosis surgery by a new local hemostatic agent
Efficacy and safety of bovine activated factors IIa/VIIa/IXa/Xa in patients with active gastrointestinal bleeding: a proof of concept study
Vasocontractile effect of SeraSeal in rat thoracic aorta
An Experimental Study of Histopathologic Effects of Hemostatic Agents Used in Spinal Surgery
Efficacy and safety of bovine activated factors IIa/VIIa/IXa/Xa in patients with active gastrointestinal bleeding: a proof of concept study

Frequently asked questions

Here you can find frequently asked questions about SeraSeal™.

How is SeraSeal™ stored?

long term storage
at least -10° C

Short-term storage (up to 10 days)
at low refrigerator temperatures

For short periods (up to 24 hours)
SeraSeal™ can be left and used at room temperatures.

SeraSeal™ can be frozen again after thawing when not in use and reused at a later date.

What side effects could occur?

SeraSeal contains beef proteins. Less than 0.05% of the population is allergic to it, as are some lupus patients. Feverish reactions not previously observed may occur in patients who are allergic to beef products. Anaphylactic reactions are possible in rare cases.

No adverse results of this type were observed in clinical trials. Mild reactions can be treated with antihistamines. In case of hypersensitivity to beef proteins, allergic or anaphylactic reactions may occur in rare cases.

Are the catheters integrated with SeraSeal™ or do you have to order them separately?

SeraSeal™ is not available as a set.

Depending on the area of application, you can order different catheters:

SeraSeal™ Endoscopy Kit colonoscopy catheter 230 cm — 1.8 diameter

SeraSeal™ Endoscopy Kit bronchoscopy catheter 120 cm — 1.8 diameter

SeraSeal™ laparoscopy catheter 36 cm — 1.8 diameter

The catheters come in a pack of 10.

Do you have any questions?

Please contact us for more information.